Learn how to get Ellen Degeneres tickets. We will show you the exact method used to apply for Ellen tickets, as well as some tips.

When are tickets to the Ellen Show available?
- Ellen releases tickets at a rate of about a weeks worth of shows at a time. Generally, they are released for shows about two months ahead of time. Twelve days of giveaways tickets are not usually available through this method. Unlike other shows, the Ellen show does not seem to follow a pattern on what day or what time they release tickets, so check daily, even hourly if you are intent on getting in.
- The Ellen show films two episodes on Thursdays, even though the application schedule shows Thursday as any other day. This is done so that they can air one episode on Friday, and the other one on Monday. If you want to increase your chances of acceptance, Thursday may be your best bet. However, if a lot of people know this, Thursday may turn into the worst day to select. It is in your best interest to mix things up until it works out.
- Do not submit more than one request within 2 weeks. If you do, your name may be flagged for too many entries, and you will hurt your chances.
- Check your emails frequently! Set up push notifications for emails with the word “Ellen” in them. When you are accepted, you are sent an email which you must respond to. If you do not respond quickly enough, you are out of luck. Almost all communication from the Ellen show is done via email.

- In our experience, the Ellen show is very accommodating with advance notice. If you have a disability, please let them know As soon as possible so that they can make arrangements for you. Give them at least 2 weeks of notice. Also, 12 days of giveaway changes will not be permitted for any reason from our experience.
Get some Ellen Underwear before you attend the show! Available on Amazon:
What to do if you get tickets
- Parking is reserved for guests of the Ellen show. Parking garage 3 at Warner Bros is where you will park. It is also where you will wait before entering the studio. Be sure to have a printed copy of your confirmation email ready to show the parking attendant. Sometimes they will just let you in if you tell them you are there for the show, but other times they will want verification. Be prepared. Parking here is free (as an audience member).

- Step one, plan your outfit. Here is some advice directly from the Ellen show: “Please dress nicely. You may be on camera! We recommend business casual or upscale/trendy attire. Dressy jeans are permitted. Please note that it is often cold in the studio. You may want to bring a light jacket or sweater to stay warm. We do not allow anyone to wear Ellen and/or WB apparel, shorts, beachwear, or shirts with large logos. Group coordinating outfits are not allowed. We reserve the right to deny entrance to anyone inappropriately dressed.” Get someĀ Ellen Underwear for your trip! Wearing Ellen Underwear will give you a chance to still be cool, without losing your spot in the audience.
- Park at WB gate 3. After you park, go to the main level (street level). There is a guest waiting area with benches, bathrooms and a water fountain. A cart with food and snacks will also show up closer to showtime. I feel like it was priced fairly reasonably.
- It is not necessary to arrive prior to the time listed on your ticket, but you must be on time. Ticket numbers are not assigned in the order that you arrived at the waiting area. They are assigned when the representatives call people to line up and check in with them. Therefore, getting there hours early, will not really benefit you as a guaranteed guest.
- Checking in consists of two completely separate processes. The first stage is checking in with Warner Bros security. You will see a security guard with a podium to the side of the seating area. When they are ready for you, you will tell the guard your name which they will cross reference with the guest list. They will then check your government identification (license, passport, etc). After that, they will stamp your wrist with a UV stamp which is invisible without a special light. This is done for security purposes, and is necessary to enter WB property.
- Step two, after patiently waiting, an Ellen employee will show up to check you in to the Ellen line. This is done by first registering the VIP guests, and then, in no particular order, everybody else. You will approach the Ellen rep and again present your Identification. They will hand you a fancy card with a number on it, numbered 1-300 or so. This is quite literally your place in line. But, Number 1 will not necessarily be in the front row, and number 300, not necessarily in the back. More on that in the next section.
- Bring a battery pack! The waiting time before entering the studio can be longer than your battery is capable of handling. Avoid that problem by bringing a portable battery to keep your phone ready for anything.
- Guests are taken in groups of about 20 from the parking garage to the studio which is across the street. When you enter the studio, you pass through a security checkpoint. Camera’s are not permitted at this point (phone camera’s are ok). A word of advice, don’t bring anything that may jeopardize your opportunity. Even a small issue could get you to the end of line from sorting it all out. Think like an airport, if you wouldn’t bring it there, don’t bring it to the Ellen show. If you bring a restricted item by mistake, they will not hold it for you.
- After entering, you will be in the gift shop area behind the stage. There is a shop here with water and other Ellen Merchandise. I recommend buying most of your gear online ahead of time, that way you don’t have to lug things around that you could have delivered to your house. Buy your favorite Ellen gear now, and when you get to the show you will have more room in your luggage for special things, instead of deciding between those mugs and that hoodie.
- There are bathrooms in the garage where you will be waiting initially. There are also bathrooms in the waiting area where the gift shop is located, and where you will wait before being seated in the audience.
- VIP guests are seated first, primarily in the special “dance row.” This is not the first row, it is the second row in the middle section. The aisle is slightly wider here, so that Ellen can dance through more easily. After that, guests enter the studio in order of their numbers. Ellen reps will then seat you however they feel will work the best. That means that you may be front and center, or the back to the side, even if you enter first. A variety of factors go into play here – primarily the size of your group. But also, be careful that you’re not wearing anything that they wouldn’t want to have on camera, or they might sideline you – literally.
- Do NOT wear an Ellen shirt or jacket! You are not allowed to wear Ellen merchandise to the show, or WB merchandise. No shorts, nothing with large logos, and nothing that is coordinated with a group. Just dress nicely – you may be on TV. More instructions on what to wear are provided to guests who receive tickets to the show.
If you want information on how to get standby tickets, or what to bring with you on your trip – keep reading. If you’re just interested in tickets to see the Ellen show, click the link below to apply for Ellen tickets. Be sure to read our article on what to bring at some point, otherwise you might find yourself wishing you had.
Ready to apply? Click here:
The Ellen show is different than some other shows. You cannot just show up and hope for the best. If you do not have a standby ticket, you will not be admitted, or even considered. Call this number the day of the showing. Make sure to call before Noon or your request will not be considered. Gates for the open at 9:00 AM. The Ellen show only gives a certain amount of standby tickets, so call early. Here it is: 818-954-5929.
How to get tickets to Ellen Christmas show:
You may be asking yourself, how much are Ellen tickets to 12 days of giveaways? Well, they’re free. Tickets to go see Ellen are always free, and you should avoid anybody telling you otherwise. Giveaway shows are particularly difficult to get your hands on, but if you are lucky enough to get some, they will be free.
If you are wondering how to get tickets to ellen’s 12 days of giveaways, unfortunately, it is a difficult task. The best way that we have found is by attending a regular episode and hoping that you are invited back. You can also submit a video to Ellentube for a chance to win tickets. One more way is to listen to radio stations in the Los Angeles area, as they may be giving some away. Good luck!
Remember: You cannot buy Ellen Degeneres tickets, so do not do business with anybody claiming otherwise. If you valued the content on this site, please share it with others! Thanks! We hope we helped you on your quest for learning how to get Ellen Degeneres tickets.
*We are not affiliated with the Ellen Degeneres show, Warner Bros Studios, or any other organization mentioned above. This information is for your consideration, but may have some inaccuracies. Always consult the Ellen show for official information. Do not contact us requesting tickets, as we have no ability to provide tickets to any of the shows. We only provide information.